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☂diary of my Life☂
losting them
Friday, 25 January 2013 00:52 | 0 comments

lehh tgk gmbr ni ingt pulak aku kat S....... apa kabar dia sekarang ? moga hg bahagia la skrg 

hari ni dengan rasmi nya i've lost four person of my friends :') kiranya aku dah hilang depa dari pandangan mata aku yg kabur dan rabun la kan :'3 hmm who's care ? i'm care .. really care :( losting them such as lost part of my heart.. seeing them huge me for the last time is the most memorable moment that i could called Memory .. really wanna to kiss their forehead but i'm too afraid i'm too shy :'( gonna have to take care of their beloved friend .. can i do that ? i'm curious i'm afraid.. don't want her to depressed again and again.. can i take on this task ? .. will i be strong for this.. ? Oh Allah help me .. i really want them to happy ..
believe or not ? i don't want them to remember about me.. :'3 some of my Ex friend did not ever remember about me even only me name

athirah~ knowing u is the best thing i had in my life.. you're rock you're kind please promise me that you will forgive all my faults.. thanks for the chocolate :) take care ur self dear :') if u find ustaz there calling-2 lah i yerr
afifah~ girl!! u're huged me.. some of my tears rolling down the hill hahahhaks .. dear afifah u are to cute and i am so weird.. please promise me that you will forgive all my faults.. take care dear.. hope u happy with tyrah there ..
amani~ will really miss this poyo girl ahahahlk i'm joking okey :p take care of ur self and your iman yeah ! :'D hope u can find more friends there yaa :D
shufi- dude i'm gonna miss u .. :p I'd lost a friend to debate political article ..who always speaks with the contents of a thoughtful.. a good friend and never arrogant even outside of the classroom.. everything lhh ..

#aku agak ketidak betulan sekarang ni nak speaking jer rasa walaupun BI aku layak D jaa hahahahaks :'(