Wednesday, 19 March 2014
03:45 | 0 comments
Hello yoboseyoo. Yebesayurrrr.. hahahahaaha kkk otak gua
lack of o2 dahh nii.. well interaction between jalilahiz with physic still not
success bwekkk bila nak Berjaya entah lahh.. mmg tak dak CHEMISTRY betul izah
dgn MR BIG “F” HAHA.
Kayyy baca intro pun dah sangkutkan fizik dan kimia. Sah-2
lah tgh dok musim UJIAN ni.. Cobaan~~~ hew hew haiishh lama x dengar kabor tyrah. Kabor fifah. Kabor
wany. Kabor ain. Kabor-2 gua dibuatnyer~
*still x faham kenapa
ayat yng gua type serupa tulisan cakar ayam Alien? Curious gila~~!* >,<
as u know I dah tak berapa nak betul sejak several CRAZY thingsssssssssss
happen in my life. Which I cant tell anybody accept my Lord. L im hurt inside. Keep playing this song CN BLUE-Blind Love.
Hmm asal ek?
Weh whew eh.. rasanya aku dah stop usha that guy. Entah lah
makin hari aku tengok makin meluat dibuatnya. Hipotesis diterima. Wakakka.
Hmmm. Esok lusa aku nak wish anas his BELATED birthday with the sweetest song
Ive found. Aku jumpa bulan lepas. Lama aku simpan kkk. Nak jadi yg first wish x
leh sbb birthday dia hari isnin. Dia kat hostel dan aku ada small crazy EXAM.
Oh yaa please hear this song too. GD&TOP-Baby good
night. Cn blue- cant stop.. lagu baqu depa. Ewahh makin hari makin suka cn
blue~ sbb amin lah ni huhuhu.
Dah 3 bulan x ckp dgn dia. Ekceli dia dah lupa kan aku.
Kalau dia muncul depan mata kan bagus. Rasa rindu kod huhu. Mustahilnya harapan
palsu aku ni. Kami berbeza huhuhuhu
im just about to read about arjuna fitri beta what whatt.. he's so awesome! he got a wonderful papa and mama. May Allah bless them always! :) bye-bye.